Seriously speaking, the church as presently constituted cannot effectively fight the kingdom of darkness and this is because the church and it's leaders have completely surrendered to the dictate and control of agents of darkness whose wealths emaciates from the pit of hell, it's a known fact that the church now receives financial and material gift from people of questionable characters, as a matter of fact, it's no longer a secret that many of our today's churches are now being sponsored by Yahoo Yahoo plus criminals. It's laughable for anyone in his or her right senses to expect that the church whose leaders have been captured by the powers of satanic wealth would summon the courage and strength to prayerfully dislodge the forces of darkness in the church, how is that going to work? How on earth would anyone expect them to rise against the same people that are not just financing their churches but are also financing their lavish lifestyles? If they f...
The church indeed needs urgent deliverance from satanic siege but not until we the worshippers get rid of the garment of blind obedience forced on us by our church leaders, they manipulate the scriptures to suit their selfish desires and present same to us as doctrine, they devote all their effort on building empires rather than building the kingdom of God and sadly, we the worshippers sing their praises and even quarrel among ourselves on whose pastor is the richest and biggest in town. No doubt that we still have God fearing church leaders in our country but how many are they? What are their numbers when compared to the many that are enriching themselves using the name of the Lord? So sad that the gospel of salvation as presented to us by Christ Jesus has taken the backstage and all we hear and see in our churches all over are, "Pay your tithes, sow your seeds, give and give and give." .......TO BE CONTINUED...... Authored by Pastor Emmanuel. N. Okafor. Telephone n...