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The church indeed needs urgent deliverance from satanic siege but not until we the worshippers get rid of the garment of blind obedience forced on us by our church leaders, they manipulate the scriptures to suit their selfish desires and present same to us as doctrine, they devote all their effort on building empires rather than building the kingdom of God and sadly, we the worshippers sing their praises and even quarrel among ourselves on whose pastor is the richest and biggest in town. No doubt that we still have God fearing church leaders in our country but how many are they? What are their numbers when compared to the many that are enriching themselves using the name of the Lord? So sad that the gospel of salvation as presented to us by Christ Jesus has taken the backstage and all we hear and see in our churches all over are, "Pay your tithes, sow your seeds, give and give and give." .......TO BE CONTINUED...... Authored by Pastor Emmanuel. N. Okafor. Telephone n
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Before now, many were of the opinion that Satan; the devil somehow has found his way into the church but permit me to state that Satan has not only found his way into the church but has consolidated his position to the extent he now determines which way the church should go. A close look at the happenings in our today's church points to the fact that it will take nothing but total repentance for the church to regain it's lost glory as it's no longer a secret that the greedy materialistic lifestyles of some of our church leaders has completely sold out the church into the hands of wealthy and well connected satanic agents whom now funds the church and in the process perpetuate their devilish agenda. TO BE CONTINUED... Authored by Pastor Emmanuel. N. Okafor. Telephone number: +2348060518919.


Many times, we are quick to lambast the badly behaved young people in our society without first asking the following important questions such as: (1). Who are their parents? (2). What was thier upbringing like? These questions and their possible answers will serve as a guide into the reasons why there are so much anti-social vices in our country. The greatest evil that any parent can commit against the society is to give birth to children who will end up as sources of sorrow, tears and blood to the society, a situation where some parents consumes hard drugs in whatever form before their wards is nothing but an outright encouragement to them that it's okay to do drugs. ....TO BE CONTINUED........ Authored by Pastor Emmanuel. N. Okafor. Telephone number: +2348060518919.


The poor in our today's church sees themselves as not too important, no thanks to the covetous attitude of some church leaders who out of greed has converted the church into an elitist club of sort where the elites dictates and decides what happens, while these elites are appointed in prominent church committees, the poor are relegated to mere church sweepers, chair and toilet cleaners and I ask, is the church now an animal kingdom where some animals are more important than the others? Do you know that some preachers dont even know the homes of their poor members? They don't even know their names or what they do for a living but the same preachers sleep on daily basis in the homes of their rich members and such behaviours will continue to chase the poor who genuinely wants to serve God out of the church but you know what? Nothing may ever change as the love for material acquisitions has eaten so deeply into many preachers who will rather let the poor go than lose their weal


         Fetish ritual practices are some of the reasons why Nigeria and many other African societies remains so backward and underdeveloped on every indices of human and material development, any man or society that chooses to fraternize with Satan can not but be enveloped in total darkness. Long before the advent of christainity,our forefathers were predominantly satanists who worshipped all kinds of idols and took part in many fetish rituals that so many generations after them paid so dearly for,they believe so much in this ritualistic ways of life that they can not embark on any thing without first  carrying out some rituals which in most times required human sacrifices.       There was this tree in front of my family house in the village where the king's slaves were hanged as sacrifice unto the gods,I never heard of it before until an elderly woman from my family saw me standing on that spot and so she shouted at me saying,"Prince,why are you standing on the blood of yo


WHO STOLE YOUR GLORY? (Series 3). The King Saul like glory diverters in our families are always ready to do anything to ensure that we do not become more popular than them, they feel offended whenever our children are getting all the accolade, they question why it should be our children and bot theirs. The glory thieves and destroyers in our families understands that there's so much poverty in the land and so, they are seriously exploiting it to bring some of us down on our knees, they throw all kinds of parties and then invite us to come and eat their satanic foods prepared from the altars of darkness, sadly, many of us will go, eat, drink and take some back home to our children. It's no longer a secret that some evil minded characters now have sex with cows for ritual purposes and these cows are either uesd to prepare party meals where some of us will attend and eat our glories to death or donated to families as gift particularly during the festive season. .....TO BE CO


BEWARE OF DEMONIC HOUSEMAIDS. INTRODUCTION (Part 1) Due to the harsh economic climate in the country, many Nigerian parents who ordinarily ought to stay back at home to over see the every day affairs of their children now have to leave the house in search of more income so as to meet the ever increasing needs of the family thereby abandoning the affairs of their homes to their housemaids who may be their relatives or total strangers.       While  it may not be a bad idea to engage the services of housemaids if there are needs for that, we must  however be careful and prayerful so that we do not  make the mistake of opening up our homes to the forces of darkness that masquerades as housemaids and whose satanic activities has led to the destructions of many homes, our decisions to engage any housemaid must not be based on sentiments but strictly by the guidance of the holy spirit.      The greatest victims of this demonically possessed housemaids are often the innocent