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Showing posts from December, 2020


 B. GARMENT OF SHAME: Bartimaemus was a man whose life was completely wrapped in the garment of shame,apart from the fact that he was blind,he was also a poor man who had to beg to survive,he probably had no wife or child and most likely was homeless but when Christ instructed that he should be brought to him,he immediately cast away his garment of shame that he had for years be known with(Mark 10 vs 59).Shame being the opposite of glory is one unpleasant garment that any spiritually sensitive person must reject as it does not glorify God in any way, a man whose life is clothed with shame shall remain rejected and avoided by the society,such a man can not talk in the midst of people for fear of being mocked and if nothing is done to get rid of that unpleasant garment of shame such a man may remain  perpetually being hunted by the shadow of inferiority complex .                                 ...


  ORDER NOW  FOR THE FULL  COPY OF THIS BOOK AT            OKADABOOKS.COM This book,” GO FOR THE MIRACLES” is a completely different work when compared to the books I have authored in the past, a book written with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to remind believers that they can go for their miracles if they are willing to do so, unlike the previous books which dwelled largely on spiritual warfare, this book is simply an eye opener meant to challenge the body of Christ that their destiny are in their hands.            In this book, I sighted the old testament practices of the Jews who relied solely on the prophets and chief priests for a closer relationship with God , however, I stated that the sacrifice made by Christ on the cross of Calvary has rendered such practices irrelevant as anyone who believes in him can now approach him for miracles .I mentioned in this book that it's so shameful and embarrassing to...