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Showing posts from March, 2020


BEWARE OF DEMONIC HOUSEMAIDS. INTRODUCTION (Part 1) Due to the harsh economic climate in the country, many Nigerian parents who ordinarily ought to stay back at home to over see the every day affairs of their children now have to leave the house in search of more income so as to meet the ever increasing needs of the family thereby abandoning the affairs of their homes to their housemaids who may be their relatives or total strangers.       While  it may not be a bad idea to engage the services of housemaids if there are needs for that, we must  however be careful and prayerful so that we do not  make the mistake of opening up our homes to the forces of darkness that masquerades as housemaids and whose satanic activities has led to the destructions of many homes, our decisions to engage any housemaid must not be based on sentiments but strictly by the guidance of the holy spirit.      The greatest victims of this demonically ...


SEVEN CATEGORIES OF HOUSEHOLD ENEMIES Part 5(Continuation). Category 7: Rehoboamic house hold enemies: The story of the biblical Rehoboam who decided to torment his subjects much more than his father did can be likened to some very wicked characters in our families whose parents and grandparents tormented many family members,they wrecked so many destinies and sent many to their early graves.The terrible thing about characters with Rehoboamic spirit is that they are full of bitterness and very unforgiving,they are often initiated and empowered by their parents to continue in the act of oppressing other family members and their children whose parents once disagreed with them. I once told the story of how a Rehoboamic possessed woman almost destroyed the destinies of other family members,little did anyone know that her late mother initiated her into witchcraft with an instruction to waste the destinies of her step brothers and sisters, the woman who was the only child of her lat...


SEVEN CATEGORIES OF HOUSEHOLD ENEMIES (Part 4)Continuation. Category 5: Nebuchadnezzaric Household Enemies. This category of household enemies are very notorious when it comes to the exploitation of other people's glories through satanic means,they are very good at manipulating the glorious destinies of their family members for their own benefits like the biblical Nebuchadnezzar who attacked the people of Judah and captured the best among them whom he later converted to special palace aids(Daniel 1:1-6). Nebuchadnezzaric household enemies in many of our families are witches and wizards who will go to any length just to capture and manipulate the shining stars of others for their own selfish interests while the original owners of such shining stars languishes in abject poverty. In any family where such evil minded people exists,only them and their children excels while others in spite of their intelligence and hard work lives like slaves. Some years ago,I met a certai...


SEVEN CATEGORIES OF HOUSE-HOLD ENEMIES.Continuation(Part 3). Category 3. Pharaohic Household Enemies. When a man is often referred to as Pharaoh by members of his/her families it then means that such a character by conduct manifests the characteristics of the biblical Pharaoh who dealt wickedly with his subjects and slaves,he was a brutal leader who took so much delight in the oppression of others.There are some family heads and elders whose attitudes are worse than that of the biblical Pharaoh,they capture and enslave other people's destinies, they see themselves as the Alpha and Omega of their families and so their decisions on any matters remains final,they are never just and truthful as a matter of fact their judgment on any family dispute are often one sided and tinted towards the highest bidder. I remember the story of a certain man whose brother enslaved for so many years by making him labor in his company without any tangible benefits.Regardless of the religion...