BEWARE OF DEMONIC HOUSEMAIDS. INTRODUCTION (Part 1) Due to the harsh economic climate in the country, many Nigerian parents who ordinarily ought to stay back at home to over see the every day affairs of their children now have to leave the house in search of more income so as to meet the ever increasing needs of the family thereby abandoning the affairs of their homes to their housemaids who may be their relatives or total strangers. While it may not be a bad idea to engage the services of housemaids if there are needs for that, we must however be careful and prayerful so that we do not make the mistake of opening up our homes to the forces of darkness that masquerades as housemaids and whose satanic activities has led to the destructions of many homes, our decisions to engage any housemaid must not be based on sentiments but strictly by the guidance of the holy spirit. The greatest victims of this demonically ...