Category 3.
Pharaohic Household Enemies.
When a man is often referred to as Pharaoh by members of his/her families it then means that such a character by conduct manifests the characteristics of the biblical Pharaoh who dealt wickedly with his subjects and slaves,he was a brutal leader who took so much delight in the oppression of others.There are some family heads and elders whose attitudes are worse than that of the biblical Pharaoh,they capture and enslave other people's destinies, they see themselves as the Alpha and Omega of their families and so their decisions on any matters remains final,they are never just and truthful as a matter of fact their judgment on any family dispute are often one sided and tinted towards the highest bidder.
I remember the story of a certain man whose brother enslaved for so many years by making him labor in his company without any tangible benefits.Regardless of the religion we belong to, some of us are so heartless that the lives of our fellow human beings means nothing to us just like this man's elder brother who used him to build his business empire, he devoted the greater part of his life working for his Pharaohic brother who lives in the most expensive part of Lagos while he and his family lived in a remote village not far from the redemption camp as tanent,while the elder brother's children attends some of the best and most expensive schools within and outside the country his own children languished in a public school with no facilities.
category 4.
Miriamic Household Enemies.
Rebellion may not be new to mankind but when such rebellion is being led by a family member against his or her own blood, then,it calls for concern as witnessed in the case of Miriam who spear headed the confrontation against her own brother Moses(Numbers 12vs1-2).The worst kind of battles that confront a man is that which comes from within his household, No wonder the bible declared "that a man's enemies are members of his own household".The easiest and quickest ways of destroying a man by external enemies is to recruit family members who are possessed with the rebellious spirit of Miriam as they sometimes enjoy unhindered access into the privacy of such a man they are often recruited and paid to supply detailed information on their relatives because they have access to their bedrooms and kitchens,they therefore serves as useful tools in the hands of external enemies to destroy their family members.
A certain London based medical doctor decided to relocate his medical practice back to Nigeria but that singular action became the worst decisions of his life as his life was prematurely cut short.Few years after he opened his Clinic,many people began to patronize his Clinic to the extent that patients in other Clinics began to abandon their doctors,uncomfortable with the development, the other doctors decided to end his life and so his Cousin whom he employed as a chief Nurse was approached and heavily paid to poison his tea which she did and today he is gone.
1) I command every Pharaohic forces in my father's house to drown in calamity.
2) You stubborn household Pharaohs pursuing my destiny,stumble & die.
3) I command perpetual disasters to befall every pharaoh's in my father's house.
4) I decree total destruction upon every destiny tormenting Pharaoh's in my father's house.
5) I open up the gate of hell against every Pharaohic characters in my family.
6) Let every Miriamic agents in my father's house be covered with $hame.
7) Let every Miriamic contractors working for my external enemies, be destroyed.
8) Let every Miriamic monitors of destiny in my father's house be roasted by fire.
9) Let every Miriamic pit digger's in my father's house,be buried in their own pits.
10) Let every Miriamic characters in my family, be exposed and disgraced.
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