1)DEATH:If Satan had told Adam and Eve the consequences of eating the forbidden fruit ,maybe,they wouldn't have disobeyed God,so also if the chief priests of the ritual shrines had explained to the would be ritualists of the punishment that goes with such acts,perhaps,they may not have proceeded with it,Satan is a liar,he tells you lies so that he can imprison or destroy you,he is a deceiver who will never present the true picture of things to any man until he drowns such a man.
One of the factors that drives some people into ritual is greed,when a man lacks contentment,such a man is open to all kinds of terrible vices and one of such is ritual.There was a certain tailor based in the city of Aba who destroyed himself and his entire household because of greed,yes,he was a very good tailor and was doing quite well for himself but he decided to go for ritual so that he can dominate the industry and drive his colleagues out of business,after few years,the ritual backfired as he ended up burying all his children one after the other,as if that was not enough,his wife died and he also died few months after and was buried inside a bush not far from my in_law's house as his own family haven discovered that he's being haunted by the ritualistic acts he soiled his hands into,refused to allow his corpse to be buried in the family compound.Please don't do rituals.
I had stated that fetish ritual acts has a way of destroying not just the one who did it but other members of the family who may not be aware of such evil acts.A first and second republic politician whose house is not far from my maternal house was known to be a very notorious ritualist,although,he died thirty years ago but his evil works are still burning like a wild fire consuming every thing he acquired.my mother told me that the man and his political gang openly sacrifice not only inside his compound but in the whole environment,killing different kinds of animals and pouring the blood every where,she said the man will in broad daylight bring in witch-doctors who buried all kinds of charms in his compound, yes,he is dead but the rituals turned against his household as virtually all his children died mysteriously and the compound as I speak has become completely deserted because no single human being can live in a house that is being controlled by principalities and powers.Please don't do rituals.
1). Let every ritualistic altars in my neighborhood be exposed.
2). Let every ritualistic agents in my neighborhood be exposed.
3). Let every blood wasters in my neighborhood be wasted.
4). Let every ritualistic shrines in my neighborhood,catch fire.
5). Let every agenda of ritualistic agents in my neighborhood be exposed.
Authored by:Pastor Emmanuel. N.Okafor.
Phone Number:08060518919.
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