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SEVEN STAGES OF LIFE BATTLES(Part D).Continuation. Stage 4.

  Battles from Bad Family Foundation
No doubt that the foundation is the most important part of any construction work as it's the only platform upon which a house is built and so if a foundation is weak or defective, be rest assured that any house erected on it regardless of how much was spent is bound to collapse. A man born into a family whose foundation is under the control of demonic forces is destined to fail in every endeavors of life regardless of how gifted he or she may be, anyone who inherited a family foundation that is possessed with the principalities and powers behind generational curses and ancestral covenants will struggle with all kinds of life challenges and except such an individual is liberated, he or she can never make any meaningful progress in life.
         The crisis of life that many of us are contending with today can be traced to the demonic foundation laid down by our forefathers who for one reason or the other soiled their hands into all kinds of atrocities which now hangs on our necks even though we were not directly involved in any  of such satanic acts.Some of our forefathers were so wicked that they took delight in shedding of innocent blood all in the name of tradition and by this atrocities, they succeeded in laying the foundation of multiple curses that many of us now battles with. Some of our forefathers also committed themselves in one way or the other to all kinds of agreements with the kingdom of darkness for protection ,wealth,fame,powers and fruit of the womb,however many years after they were gone our lives and destinies are now being haunted by covenants we knew nothing about.
     Some years ago,I came across a couple who were being battered by all kinds of life challenging issues due to the terrible family foundation they inherited,while the husband inherited a foundation poisoned by generational curses,the wife inherited a shaky foundation entangled with ancestral covenants. Both generational curses and ancestral covenants are very destructive forces that can battle a man's destiny to a standstill and if not arrested on time, it may end up like the case of this couple whose marriage was almost torn apart as the generational curse in the man's foundation frustrated every of his attempt to be successful in life just as the ancestral covenants in the woman's foundation continuously tormented the marriage to the extent that it almost crumbled.

                        PRAYER POINTS.

1) let every yokes of generational curses in        my life  be destroyed.
2) Let every poison of generational curses         in my foundation, be flushed out.
3) Let every garment of generational curses on my children's life,be roasted.
4) Let every embargo of generational                  curses contending with my destiny,be          destroyed.
5) You ancestral covenants contending with         my glory ,die.
6) You seed of ancestral covenants tormenting my foundation, dry-up.
7) You ancestral covenant of failure battling my destiny, catch fire.
8) You ancestral covenants of instability contending with my marriage, be destroyed.
  Authored by Pastor Emmanuel. N.Okafor.
  Telephone number: 08060518919



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