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SEVEN STAGES OF LIFE BATTLES.(Part E)Continuation. Stage 5.

As someone who is involved in the intercessory ministry, I can confirm to us that most of the afflictions we are battling with in different areas of our lives are the direct hand works of the evil minded members of our families whose stock in trade is to unleash spiritual terror on any one they perceive to  be a threat to their existence, they can best be described as complete replicas of some biblical characters such as Herod,Pharaoh,Jezebel and so on they are desperately wicked and their heart full of deceits,they hate rivalry and will not tolerate any one who dares to compete with them,they are good at consulting star gazer to enquire on how great the stars of any newly born child in the family shall be and when they are not pleased with the answers the get,they ask that such a child be afflicted, many of them are deeply involved in occultic and witchcraft practices, some of them many be poor but will always find a way of raising funds to finance their evil agenda in the witch doctor's shrine.
        Many of us are been punished today by this characters called household enemies not necessarily because we offended them but for the simple reason that they do not like our parents and the only way they can hurt them is by afflicting or destroying our destiny.Some of us are in pain today because we share our visions and dreams with family members who we never knew were enemies ,they pretended they love us but demonically fight our visions and dreams.The worst thing that can happen to a man is to be destroyed by the same people you called your own as some of the infirmities we are currently battling with can be linked to the evil minded characters in our families whose anger against our lives are purely motivated by envy and jealousy. There are some of us whose sources of income has crumbled simply because a wicked soul in our father's house was upset that we dared to build the kind of mansion that no one in the family could build and what would have ordinarily become a thing of joy now becomes a reason for attack.
         The black man's society like I always say is full of evil and many times,the people you think are with you may actually be against you particularly in our families. I have seen a mother who tormented her only daughter with series of miscarriages just because she refused to marry a man of her choice,she allows her to conceive and then sit on her stomach in her dreams and immediately she wakes up ,she begins to bleed .I know of a man whose elder brother poisoned to death so that he can inherit his wife as their custom demands, he believed that the only way he could lay his hands on the woman he has for long admired was to get his brother out of the way. I have also seen a father who demonically manipulated his children's destinies to the point that they had to rely on him for everything.I have seen some very terrible situations where family members conspired and kill the wealthiest among them and then shared his properties among themselves. I know of a first class graduate in mathematics who was afflicted with madness by his uncle's wife who had earlier vowed that no other person in the family shall excel except her children.I know of a woman whose trusted cousin almost destroyed by giving out her pants to the husband's mistress for ritualistic purposes in exchange for money.
                   PRAYER POINTS.
1) Every family gang-up against my                      joy,scatter by fire.
2) Every manipulations of household                  enemies against my destiny ,scatter by
3) Every seeds of infirmity planted in my           life by household enemies,dry up
4) Every arrows of failure deposited in my         destiny by household enemies,jump out          by fire.
5) Every garments of shame forced on me          by household enemies,catch fire.
6)  You unrepentant killer in my father's               house,die by fire.
7) You destiny destroyer's in my father's              house,stumble and die.
8) You wicked pit diggers in my father's             house ,bury yourselves in your pit.

Authored by Pastor Emmanuel .N.Okafor.
Phone Number:08060518919.


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