Some year ago,I wrote in one of my book"THE CONSEQUENCES OF RITUALS "that the satanic ritualistic acts of our forefathers are nothing but child's play when compared to the despeakable and horrific acts of ritual killings being perpetuated by the young people of this generation. Truth be told, it appears that our value system as a people has completely broken down, the santity of the human life means nothing to us any more as anybody regardless of their age can be murdered for fetish ritualistic purpose and unfortunately the entire society appears helpless while this evil wind rages on.
In the book earlier mentioned in the first paragraph, I made it clear that if nothing is done to check mate the rising acts of ritual killings in the land certainly we may all become victim as these ritualist are members of our communities and in some cases, close relatives,friends,and neighbors who understands our movements and that of our children. Permit me to state that the decision by parents, religious and traditional leaders to be silent in the midst of the many evils in the land such as the despirate pouring out of innocent blood for money rituals has further emboldened the ritualist to openly and shamefully display their ill-gotten wealth but as it stands today,everybody including those who choose not to speak-out are potential sacrificial lamb in waiting.
As we progress further in this fresh topic,we shall in subsequent editions analyse the likely reasons behind these irresponsible and murderous behaviour of our young people, we shall critically examine the real reasons why such evil acts appears to be growing eventually in every parts of the country and why many youths are on daily basis taken to such notorious acts that are spreading like wind fire. It's so shameful that the news we hear on daily basis are such that makes us ask"Where are we heading to as a people". This question should occupy everyone's heart at this critical point in time considering the fact that majority of those involved in such wicked act are youths who ordinarily should be the leaders of tomorrow and more importantly the entire civilized world is watching and wondering what kind of people we are.
Authored by:Pastor Emmanuel. N.Okafor.
Phone Number:+2348060518919
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