SEVEN CATEGORIES OF HOUSE-HOLD ENEMIES Continuation (part 2). Category 1: Herodic house hold enemies: There are members of our families whose hearts are full of wickedness like the biblical Herod who out of desperation to terminate the birth of Christ the king as declared by the wise men result to the mass murdering of innocent babies( Matt2:1-16)whosoever that is possessed of Herodic spirit will do every thing possible to crush every perceived competitors in the family ,they are so wicked that they can deploy every powers of darkness at their disposal to bring down a rising star,they hate rivalry and so any one who attempt to do what they are doing may end-up in an untimely grave, they are good at engaging the services of star gazers to inquire on how great or other wise the stars of other family members would be particularly the new born babies and when they are not pleased with the answers they get,they quickly afflicts such a child. ...