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Showing posts from February, 2020


SEVEN CATEGORIES OF HOUSE-HOLD ENEMIES Continuation (part 2). Category 1: Herodic house hold enemies: There are members of our families whose hearts are full of wickedness like the biblical Herod who out of desperation to terminate the birth of Christ the king as declared by the wise men result to the mass murdering of innocent babies( Matt2:1-16)whosoever that is possessed of Herodic spirit will do every thing possible to crush every  perceived competitors  in the family  ,they are so wicked that they can deploy every powers of darkness at their disposal to bring down a rising star,they hate rivalry and so any one who attempt to do what they are doing may end-up in an untimely grave, they are good at engaging the services of star gazers to inquire on how great or other wise the stars of other family members would be particularly the new born babies and when they are not pleased with the answers they get,they quickly afflicts such a child.     ...


SEVEN CATEGORIES OF HOUSEHOLD ENEMIES Who are these household enemies? Household enemies are those desperately wicked characters in our father's and mothers' house, they are those evil minded immediate and extended members of our families who can never be appeased by our kindness to them no matter how hard we try. From experience, I can categorically state that household enemies are monsters that can never be satisfied with any sacrifice you make on their behalf, if you offer your blood to them as bathing water,they will never stop to hate you, if you grind yourself into powder and offer to them to rub,it still will not change their wicked mindset as wickedness is deeply rooted in their blood. Some of these household  enemies dead or alive were so close to our parents that they were given the responsibility to bury our placentas after our birth and only God in heaven can tell what they would have done with them, some of them were fully present on the day we were chr...


HOW SATANIC HOUSES AND COMPANIES DESTROYS DESTINIES(Part 3). Due to the harsh Economic condition and high unemployment rate in the country, many of us are now so desperate to be employed by any organization just to put body and soul together. Things are so hard in the land that it will amount to a waste of time asking anyone to pray before accepting a job offer but the satanic practice in many big and small business outfits makes it compulsory to pray and seek the face of the Lord before jumping at any offer as many lives and destinies has been destroyed and are still been destroyed by these satanic outfits and their occultic owners. In a satanic company, the destinies of employees are often exploited to enhanced the glory of the organization. The Indian managers of the then Asaba Textile Mills, through their ritualistic acts succeeded in destroying the destinies of many of their employees, they sing and dance from one end of the factory to another throwing around groundnuts, bro...


HOW SATANIC HOUSES AND COMPANIES DESTROYS DESTINIES.(Part 2). For anyone who desires to buy a house or land for residential or business purposes such an individual must pray very hard as there are many landed properties that are heavily possessed by satanic forces and they are every where in the country, destroying lives and destinies.I consider it more easier to rent an apartment and later discover that such an apartment is satanic as you can easily pack out of such house but when the property is yours,you are completely trapped and may end up being wasted by the forces of darkness that are behind such landed properties. It's extremely dangerous to acquire a landed property without praying and asking God for divine direction as doing so may be suicidal just like what happened to a certain taxi-driver and his wife who died six months after they moved into their newly built apartment.The ignorant man and his wife did not know that the land that was sold to them by a heartless ...