Due to the harsh Economic condition and high unemployment rate in the country, many of us are now so desperate to be employed by any organization just to put body and soul together. Things are so hard in the land that it will amount to a waste of time asking anyone to pray before accepting a job offer but the satanic practice in many big and small business outfits makes it compulsory to pray and seek the face of the Lord before jumping at any offer as many lives and destinies has been destroyed and are still been destroyed by these satanic outfits and their occultic owners.
In a satanic company, the destinies of employees are often exploited to enhanced the glory of the organization. The Indian managers of the then Asaba Textile Mills, through their ritualistic acts succeeded in destroying the destinies of many of their employees, they sing and dance from one end of the factory to another throwing around groundnuts, broken coconuts, fruits and so on. The employees whom of course were ignorant of what those sacrifices stood for,picked them up and ate. And for the period they were in charge of the Textile Mill, the sacrifice became an every weekend event but sadly many of the employees who participated in the eating of the sacrificed items are either dead without achieving anything or are alive but useless.
In a satanic company, the blood of the employees are often used for sacrifice by the occultic owners, it is so sad that many innocent employees are being sacrificed on daily bases in organizations whose foundations are occultic, their blood are used to appease the sources of the companies owner's wealth.
I know of a man who narrowly escaped while he was a staff of a popular plastic industry who told me how the then managing director who happened to be the daughter of the company's owner will throw a sudden party for the staffs with much to eat and drink,and money also given out to them which they claimed was appreciation for their hard work but as soon as the party comes to an end,mysterious death will then invade the company and on weekly bases death of staffs are recorded,that he had to resign and flee.
In a satanic company, regardless of how much the employees earns as salaries, they will always remain poor and empty as no one can achieve anything good with such demonic money. There was this steel company directly opposite my sister's house where the owners were sighted burying life rams in different places within the company just before they began their operation, the company employed so many people from within and outside their environment and paid them very well but inspite of the fantastic salaries they received, the employees remained wretched and heavily indebted,as a matter of fact one week after they received the so called fantastic pay salary they are already broke and hungry
1) I uproot by fire,every posion seed of a satanic company in my destiny.
2) I command every arrows of satanic company in my destiny to jump out by fire.
3) I flush out by fire every food of a satanic company in my destiny.
4) I liberate my destiny from every manipulations of satanic salaries.
5) I destroy by fire every yokes of company sacrifice in my life.
6) I roast to ashes every garment of a satanic company on my life.
7) I reverse every pronouncements made against my destiny by an occultic boss.
8) I pulled down every prison walls of a satanic company holding my destiny.
9) I consume by fire every attachments of a satanic company on my destiny.
10) I recover back every of my glories stolen by satanic company.
Written by Pastor Emanuel N. Okafor
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