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Herodic house hold enemies:
There are members of our families whose hearts are full of wickedness like the biblical Herod who out of desperation to terminate the birth of Christ the king as declared by the wise men result to the mass murdering of innocent babies( Matt2:1-16)whosoever that is possessed of Herodic spirit will do every thing possible to crush every perceived competitors in the family ,they are so wicked that they can deploy every powers of darkness at their disposal to bring down a rising star,they hate rivalry and so any one who attempt to do what they are doing may end-up in an untimely grave, they are good at engaging the services of star gazers to inquire on how great or other wise the stars of other family members would be particularly the new born babies and when they are not pleased with the answers they get,they quickly afflicts such a child.
I once told the story of a certain professor who tormented his father's house with his occultic powers,he was a complete incanate of the biblical Herod who never wanted any one to be like him.After the death of their parents ,things became so tough and rough that his elder brother had to drop out of school to work and raise money in support of his Education but rather being grateful to this wonderful elder brother he turned against him and his children afflicting their destinies with all kinds injuries he refuse to assist the young men and women in his family who where qualified for an admission to gain entrance into the university where he taught as a professor,instead he adviced them to go and learn trade and until he retired as a deputy vice chancellor of that first generation federal university, no single members of his fathers house was a university graduate and the elder brother who sacrifice so much for him to be educated died in Abject poverty.
In most Africa families there are people whose way of life can best be described as replica of the biblical Jezebel whose life was full of greed and wickedness (1 king 21vs5-15)
From experience, I can confidently say that whosoever that is possess with Jezebelic spirit is nothing but a high calibea witch as such individual or group of people can not but manifest the three main characteristics of the biblical Jezebel which are dominating,intimidating and humiliating of the weak .The Jezebelic characters in our families are extremely wicked that they can deploy any diabolical powers at their disposal to snatch from us our spiritual and material blessings regardless of the plenty in their hands,their greed and wickedness will always push them to go after the little in the hands of the poor.
There was this lady I met some years ago who told me the story of how the Jezebelic characters in her father's house killed her parents and took over their properties,she said that her. late -father loved his family members so much that he took good care of them and their children but they gang-up and kill him with his wife,she further narrated that when her elder brother demanded that their father's properties be returned, they afflicted him with madness thereby forcing the rest of them to flee for their dear lives as the Jezebelic house-hold enemies then shared their father's numerous properties among them selves.
(1) I behead every family Herod's pursuing my destiny.
(2) You Herodic household enemies plotting my end,die by fire,
(3) Every Herodic powers in my father's house contending with my glory,be roasted by life.
(4) Let every Herods in my father's house, stumble and die.
(5) You Herod's of destruction in my father'shouse,destroy yourselves with your own hands.
(6) Let every Jezebelic Altars in my father's house,be consumed by fire.
(7) I destroy every Jezebelic decrees made against my life.
(8) I free my destiny from every Jezebelic embargoes.
(9) I command every Jezebel in my family to run mad.
(10) I command the ground to open-up and swallow every Jezebelic forces in my father's house.
Written by Pastor Emmanuel N. Okafor
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